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Driving in Style:
The life of vintage car collectors


Car collectors loiter on the curb outside the diner.

More than just a car show, the evening is a time for socializing. "This is what old people do when they get old," jokes Sharon Sivley of Laurel, who attends the cruise-ins with her husband, Dan Sivley.The evening is about more than just looking at cars; it's "date night," Sharon says. The group eats together inside the diner or outside when the weather is nice. 

Sharon Sivley with the family's 1970 Super Sport 
ChevelleThe Sivleys have been going to car shows since 1999, shortly after they began collecting cars. Dan Sivley says he got interested in vintage cars after hearing his nephew talk about them. His nephew researched the 1970 Super Sport Chevelle that Dan bought.  

However, there is a limit to the collection, Sharon says, laughing. "We only have one garage, which limits him to seven vehicles."  

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