Online News Bureau Syllabus

JOUR 353 and 355 - Fall 2006

Daily Routine
Readings, Etc.
The Daily Routine

Every week we'll be posting original work from our staff and packaging stories from the other three news bureaus run by the college.

Students taking JOUR 355 will be given alternating responsibility for updating one to two sections each week:

Students taking JOUR 353 will focus more on their own reporting, but will also be asked to do update one section front each week.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we'll talk early in the day about story, link, photo and graphic choices for the home page and other sections. On Fridays, I'll spend time one-on-one with students taking JOUR 353, to discuss story assignments.

I'll be help all students with basic PhotoShop--sizing and cropping pictures--and with using FrontPage to build tables for charts. All of your computers are also loaded with the Web-editing tool Dreamweaver, so I'd encourage you to try using it.

I'll also try to help you with other tools and software in the lab--and occasionally bring in professional guests to give us additional tips and advice.

Most importantly, I'll be helping you to make sense of your stories--the reporting, writing and editing of them. This is, after all, a newsmagazine, and your primary jobs here are reporting and editing.

ONE KEY POINT: No one but me should be saving stories, section fronts or the home page onto the L drive--which publishes our pages live onto the Web. You will normally work on stories in the H drive, and copy them to X when you're ready for me to edit them. 

You may, however, move photos and graphics and audio clips onto the L drive, after you've cropped and sized or otherwise edited them.

And you may move video clips to the V drive, the live streaming video server.

I'll elaborate on this and explain our publishing system during the early days of the bureau.

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Last updated: 09/12/06 04:09 PM

Copyright © 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 Chris Harvey, for The University of Maryland Phillip Merrill College of Journalism. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.