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Driving in Style:
The life of vintage car collectors


The sign may read "Hot Rods Only," but visitors are more than welcome to wander around and look at the cars. Patrons exiting the diner often stop to stare and point.

The appeal of the cars is different for each collector.

For Joe Campbell, his 1969 Road Runner has a deeply personal meaning. He bought the car new and has owned it since. It was made two days before his daughter was born. "Not too many people keep them that long," he says with a smile. 

The car cost him $4,200 in 1969, and he estimates it would be worth $18,000 now. 

But the worth of any vintage car is more than just monetary. "It draws a crowd, it has style," John Broussard says of his 1930 Ford Roadster.

He might as well be speaking of any car in the parking lot of the Silver Diner.

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